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Annual Retreat 2018

Annual Retreat 2018

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The flower does not dream of the BEE, it flourishes and the BEE comes!

The Blue Line Angels Church invite you to our 2nd Annual Womenโ€™s Retreat 2018 called BEE FLOURISH.

Last years retreat, BEE TRANSFORMED, was a blessing. We are so excited for this years weekend, because we are joining with YOU for a weekend of fellowship, fun and deepening our full worth in Jesus Christ.

You are invited to take a journey unlike any other. We are coming together the weekend of September 14-16, 2018 in the beautiful Casa Manresa Retreat.

As women, we are unique creations designed extraordinarily by God. Yet many of us underestimate ourselves, the impact of His purpose, the merit of His passion and His plans in our lives!

Spend the weekend relaxing with other women โ€“ no cooking, no laundry, no household cleaning, no buying groceries, no work, no to-do-list, no media, no __________, YOU fill in the blank. For one weekend we set aside distractions, to set you apart for His plans and purposes.

Together, side by side with our sisters in Christ, worshipping, praying and learning about our precious Savior makes us FLOURISH.

**********************This is a time for You!*********************

Arrival & Departure:

Check-in time at Casa Marensa will begin at 5:30 p.m. on Friday. Departure follows our last meal together on Sunday 12:00 p.m.

What to Bring:

Dress is casual. Plan on a pair of closed-toed shoes that can handle activity. Bring a Bible and a notebook, personal articles, toiletries, towels, and soap.

If desired, bring your own pillow.

You may want to bring your favorite journal book and a battery-operated reading light.

REGISTRATION includes all meals, lodging, and all programs (A BIG SURPRISE).

Visit Casa Manresa Retreat Venue:









BEE FLOURISH (Our 2nd Women's Retreat)


BEE FLOURISH (Our 2nd Women’s Retreat)

BEE FLOURISH (Our 2nd Women's Retreat)


Annual Retreat 2018

BEE FLOURISH (Our 2nd Women's Retreat)


Annual Retreat 2018

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