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I really hope you all enjoyed 4th of July day and Fireworks!….On July 4, 2018 my family and friends had the opportunity to participate of Palmetto Bay Park Independence Day Celebration! We had an amazing time and moments to cherish forever!…When we got there, we knew it had rained a lot. It was still coming in little amount of rain drops. I prayed that the heavy clouds would move far away from where we decided to be for the special day. There was no wind to move the clouds away, but I believe that God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Therefore, I had a hope in my heart that clouds were going to move. And to everyone’s hopeful hearts they actually moved away. These below are the pictures of what took place. I’m thankful about the Lord’s grace and favor towards those who believe that God is still a powerful God, indeed!…Praise God and thank Him every day! Trust in Jesus! He is always with us! He is inside our boat in the middle of our storms! Do you believe it?…

Immediately Jesus spoke to the disciples, who were in the storm, and said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” Then, he climbed into the boat with them, and the wind died down. They were completely amazed…” (Mark 30-52 NIV)

Keep looking up,

Pilar Ginebra

Pilar Ginebra

Do You Believe?

Do You Believe?

Do You Believe?

Do You Believe?